2023-11-01 Feast of All Saints: Mass offered at
9am~St Jude
5:30pm ~ OLPH
2023-11-02 Feast of All Souls Masses offered for the departed Souls at:
9am~ OLPH
5:30pm~ St Jude
2023-11-05 Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall Back 1 Hour)
2023- 11-06 to 2023-11-09: Fr John Away for Retreat at Maryvale, Valley City
2023-11-23 Thanksgiving Day: Mass held at St Jude's at 9am
2023-12-07 Vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Mass at OLPH at 5pm
2023-12-08 Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Mass at St Jude's at 9am
2023-12-17 Communal Penance Service:
St Jude - 4pm
OLPH - 7pm