Welcome to the Parish Website of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Reynolds ND, and the Church of St Jude in Thompson ND.
The mailing addresses for OLPH is PO Box 68, Reynolds ND 58275,
The physical address is 421 Sanborn St, (rectory) and church is 424 5th St, Reynolds ND 58275. Phone (Land Line) 701-847-3096
Email Adddress for both parishes: [email protected]
The mailing address for St Jude is PO Box 305, Thompson ND 58278-0305
The physical address for SJ is 329 Broadway St, Thompson ND 58278. The phone number is 701-599-2574 however this phone is
not monitored actively.
To contact the pastor call 701-847-3096, or Rose Thompson at number listed in directory.